Monday 20 February 2012



On Sunday we went to mass at Notre Dame.  It was wonderful to get back after 10 months. The sweet and lingering smell of many, many years of burned incense was immediately familiar to me.  I sat in my favorite seat, the front location which is directly under the Miraculous Medal in the ceiling. Although it was supposed to be an international mass, it was all in French. However, the bulletin for the mass did have the Liturgy of the Word and the Gospel in English.
Afterward I always look forward to having dinner at Sorza.  It’s such a wonderful little restaurant located on Ile de la Cité.  On Sundays, we always go there after the mass. We always get a warm welcome back with a small conversation in French from our waitress.  She always greets us so nicely.  The food is always so very fresh and so very good.
We follow our meal sometimes with a good walk along the Seine.  It is so nice the way they close the highway to cars so that pedestrians can stroll along the water.
As you can see the Christmas tree is still up, how delightful, we saw it last year as well. Sundays in Paris, are always priceless to me.



When we left Rome we drove to the small town of Todi which we visited last March.  This time we looked at an apartment there which was for sale.
It had these four beautiful arched windows in a lovely courtyard with palm trees and lots of greenery.
In the next photo you can see the real estate agent showing us the apartment which was once a monastery.
The apartment was located near the center of the town but not on the main street.  It was lovely with four large bedrooms, open floor plan and the most gorgeous beamed ceiling.
I have included a photo below although it is not great it shows the shape of the windows.
There was an iron spiral staircase to a lower bedroom which was quite unique.
From here in Todi, we have an appointment with another agent who will be giving us a private tour of the city of Spoleto including the fortress, town, shopping, church etc.  The house is on the crest of a hill very high above the town with four bedrooms and about 10 acres of olive trees and grapevines with its own pergola and separate house.
I will include below some photos of the house we looked at also.
The town of Spoleto was beautiful and we loved walking around the town. We drove to Cascia on our way to Perugia to visit the cathedral of St. Rita.
Sainta Rita de Cascia is the patron saint of impossible things and lost causes.  Her personal story is an interesting one.  We were stunned when we walked into the cathedral to see her lying on an altar enclosed in glass.
This was the entrance (hallway) when first entering the apartment complete with a baby grand piano and a brick walkway. The flooring was the original terracotta.
The photo is of the agent who also does the tours below.  She was such a lovely woman and her driving skills was nothing short of a race car driver while speaking Italian so fast.


We went to the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal yesterday.  I read on a web page that two million pilgrims visit this chapel every year making it the second pilgrimage after Lourdes.  It is at 140, rue du Bac, not far from the department store of  Le Bon Marché.  There were so many people there and the chapel was crowded.
On July 18, 1830 the Holy Virgin appeared to Catherine Labouré in this chapel.  The chapel was part of a convent of the Sisters of Charity, where Catherine was preparing to  become a sister.  The Blessed Virgin made three apparitions to Catherine. Her body lies in a glass case in the chapel.  Pope Pius XII named her a saint in 1947.  I, myself, went to a parochial elementary school which was taught by the Sisters of Charity.
The design of the medal which would become known as the Miraculous Medal was revealed to Catherine by the Virgin Mary.  On the front side, which is the luminous side, is an image of Mary, surrounded by the prayer, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you."  Mary is standing on a half globe with her feet crushing the head of the serpent.  The serpent representing the devil.   Her hands are open from which rays of light fall to earth.  The light is the way.  In this way Mary invites us to have recourse to  her in the difficult moments of our lives, with total confidence in her all-powerful and loving intercession.
The reverse side of the medal, which is the sorrowful side, has the letter "M" surrounded by a cross (the bond of Christ to His Mother) and over two hearts, one encircled by a crown of thorns, (which recalls the Passion of Christ), and the other pierced with a sword.  Her head is crowned with twelve stars, which depict the 12 apostles and represent the Church.
The Virgin Mary told St. Catherine, " to have a medal struck on this model. That all those who carry this medal will receive Grace in abundance, especially if they wear the medal around their neck and say this prayer confidently, they will receive special protection from the Mother of God and abundant graces."
There is a beautiful collection of about 15 images on this link where you can read the story of Sister Catherine as well as view the chapel and her body which lies under the altar to the lower right:  (Click on the stars for each picture and story)
St. Vincent de-Paul was the founder of the order.
I bought medals, postcards, rosaries and books which tell the story.  Part of this information was taken from a little pamphlet given there.  I was so happy to have the opportunity and hope to visit there again soon.
I would like to remind you that you can enlarge any photo by clicking on it to see it better.


We decided to go to Saint Germain des Prés today just to walk around, shop a little and have lunch somewhere.  There are always some street musicians to stop and enjoy as well in that area.
I bought a beautiful little coat for someone special, that was so very French and very feminine.  Then on to Oliver's where we bought some lotions, soaps and creams made with olive oil.  Just a few doors down from there I was surprised to find that a brand new Kiehl's had opened and I couldn't help myself but to march right in the door.  My hands have been so chapped and dry, they really did resemble sand paper which happened so quickly due to the cold weather.  Even though I have been wearing gloves, they got horribly chaffed anyway.
One in particular was recommended by the very nice sales girl.  She opened the cap and let a little ooze out onto the back of my hand.  I rubbed it in and it was instant relief.  It is so emolient and rich, I felt it might really help, although a little pricey, I bought it anyway.  Last night I needed some relief so I used some olive oil, which helped a little, but I couldn't go out with it all over my hands today. It is the Kiehl's Intensive Treatment and Moisturizer.  I think at bedtime I will get the most benefit or even a tiny bit before I go out. ( P.S. My hands are 80% better this morning!)  Dare I tell you I also bought the Kiel's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado, talk about rich, it's fantastic.
We walked by the Le Café de Flore which was very crowded with shoppers sipping coffee.  Just a few doors down was the La Duex Magots, where Ernest Hemingway was a frequent patron. We came upon the Rue du Buci, I love that little street.  It is so charming and picturesque.  I have put up some pictures of the street carts offering cheese, seafood, produce, cured meats etc.
That's when we saw L'Atlas café Bar & Brasserie Restaurant, one of our favorite brasseries for seafood here in Paris.  If you watch this wonderful little video here, after a 15 second commercial for Volkswagon, you will hear the gentleman talking about L'Atlas.  I think you will enjoy seeing the  little video and seeing the dishes they prepare and the restaurant too. Just click or cut and paste into your browser:
Yes, he does say they offer calf brains!  But, it is known for its great seafood platters and other great food.  It is my favorite place to enjoy Moules Mariniére en Frites. Yep, that's just what I ordered and while I was waiting I enjoyed a cup of Thé Vert.  I must have said "I'm so happy," about a hundred times.  It was an absolutely huge portion along with the fries.  No one does fries like the French to me anyway.  It was so perfectly wonderful, I dare say how much I enjoyed them. My husband said it looked like I held my breath dove into the pot and did not come up until after they were all gone!
We decided to walk all the way back, about 2 miles, and along the way there was this wonderfully dressed young Frenchman in bright red pants.  Yes, bright red pants.  I couldn't resist, I really wanted his picture and so I asked him if it would be alright.  He couldn't have been any nicer, he quickly responded, "we, we!"  And so I took one picture.  He asked where I was from, he spoke absolutely no English, so I struggled in French to tell him that I was from New York.  He asked if I had a card, I told him I did not.   I thanked him and he blushed a little.  I caught up to my son several doors down and asked if he might have one and he did.  I immediately turned around and went back to give the card to the Frenchman who had been standing in the doorway.  He was gone, oh what a shame.  So I looked in a men's haberdashery a few doors away, and there all the way in the back I could see the bright red pants.  I went in and he was talking with another gentleman, I got his attention and handed him the card.  Oh, how he thanked me, my son will use the photo on his website but I will put it up here for you.  He really was dressed so handsomely.
Okay, now you are going to get a kick out of this one.  I think on Saturdays, I should post a picture of "Man Of The Week!"  How much fun would that be?  So stay tuned to see how that goes.
In case you have been looking for a large, white, shag, fur chair, I found it for you.  It was in this great home decorator's store window.  If you interested, let me know and I can provide you with the address!


Today being February 14th is Bon St. Valentin!  I would like to wish you all a very Happy St. Valentine's Day.

There are ads everywhere for tonight.  The cabarets like the Moulin Rouge, Belle Epoque, Pau Brasil, Carrousel de Paris, Nikita, to name a few are advertising dinner from about 80-200€ per couple.  The boats like Bateaux Mouches, Bateaux Parisiens, Yachts de Paris, VIP Paris, etc., are offering cruises, some with dinner, from about 80-300€ per couple.  And, of course, the restaurants also have some special menus offered for this evening.

I remember the very first Valentine's Day with my husband.  We had only met in the middle of January and were only dating for only about a month back in 1967.  After getting home from school the door bell rang where I was living with my parents in an apartment in Brooklyn.  My mother answered the door and came running in to me saying it was a delivery for me.  She was so excited and I couldn't imagine why.  I went to the door and there was a man standing there with the biggest red box tied with the biggest red bow that was 4 ft. all around which was the biggest box of Loft's chocolates.  Back then Loft's was a very popular chocolatier.
I never saw anything like it before, except as the display in the Loft's Chocolates store window as the big display.  I tipped the delivery man, later to find out that it was my husband's friend.  My mother, father and I enjoyed those chocolates I think until Halloween!  It remains one of my favorite memories of Valentine's Day until today and we often speak of it.
As for myself, I have everything.  I don't need a special or fancy dinner, boat cruise or night out at a soirée or anything like it.  I thank God everyday that I have my husband of 41 years and celebrate the years we have had and the many I hope to have together yet to come.  After all, I am in Paris the city of love, what more does a girl need?  I already have the love of a very good man.
This morning at about 6:45 AM I went out onto the balcony in my hat and robe.  It is a little damp, and still a little dark.  I glanced at my reflection in the door and I have a purple hat on with a long black robe.  I reminded myself of the little tale about the woman who wears purple and a red hat, which doesn't go together etc.  I don't know if you know what I mean, but it is a popular story. But, today I will wear a red sequined top with a black sweater, skirt, black tights and high black boots with a bright red beret.
My husband just got up and joined me on the balcony.  I retreated to the kitchen to get coffee and returned back to the balcony and presented him with a hot steaming cup of coffee which he appreciated,  and then he said as he kissed me, "Happy Valentine's Day." I am blessed with a good marriage and the most wonderful man in the universe, what more could I possibly need.
Today is about celebrating love.  Whatever you do if you go to the theatre, see a movie, have a special dinner, or stay at home to watch television, have a happy St. Valentine's Day.  As for myself a good old box of Russell Stover would do the trick. Enjoy, life is short.
Bon St. Valentin!

Sunday 19 February 2012


I try every year to see all the movies nominated for an Oscar.  I’m way behind this year, so yesterday we decided to see a movie in the afternoon.  I checked it out online and saw that the movie The Descendants was playing at La Pagode.  I love the La Pagode cinema. It is an authentic pagoda moved from Japan and was originally used a ballroom for the house next door which belonged to Mr. Bon Marche (of the famous department store in Paris) and his wife.  After they divorced in the 1930′s it was turned into a movie theatre.  It is beautiful and I always love going to see a movie there.  It must be about a mile and a half walk, but it is such an interesting one.  I would have to recommend the movie if you have not seen it yet.  It was very good and set in Hawaii.  We really enjoyed the story and the beautiful setting.
Interesting to me was that so many people were going into Salle 1 and we were going to Salle 2.  I kept wondering what movie everyone was going to see which was called La Taupe.  I’ll keep you posted on that one.
We left the theatre and stopped about a block away at a favorite little boulangerie on the corner. We had coffee and a pastry each and talked about the movie.
On our way back we stopped at the little butcher shop to pick up a roasted chicken for dinner and then on to this little Italian specialty store.  Several containers of olives, veal cutlets and roasted peppers later, we continued on.  We then stopped to get bread.
I made some roasted red potatoes in the oven to go along with the chicken and side dishes.  I treated myself to the hot potatoes, comté cheese, bread, olives, and left over Chinese rice.  I was starving as the only thing I had prior to dinner was a morning yogurt.  Oh, okay I did have a chocolate bar in the movies.
We wanted to rent a movie for tonight, so I looked around and read about some recent releases on iTunes.   A movie  called ”The Way”,  with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez looked like a good possibility.   The reviews were very good and the story sounded so interesting, so we rented it.  It is the story of La Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain.  It is the most inspiring story of a family and the ancient network of the pilgrimage route.  I won’t say another word about it so as not to spoil it for you, if you have not seen it already.  I highly recommend it, we absolutely loved the story.  If you would like to read about it, here is the link:
So it was a great double-header movie day in Paris.