Sunday 19 February 2012


We took the bus today to Notre Dame Cathedral and to the Island of Ile Saint Louis.  I wanted to visit the church to try to go to confession if I could, but that would not be for another several hours to my dismay.  I also needed to get a gift for someone. My husband wanted to go to a favorite little restaurant we usually frequent which would be a short walk over the bridge from the Ile de la Cite.
This is the picture I took when just about center of the bridge walking over to the island.
We were sitting and enjoying a small glass of wine, a baguette and our appetizer.  I ordered the aubergine and my husband was enjoying the rocket salad.  There were twogentlemen seated on the banquette to the left.  Across the way was a table of four, two women and two men.  It was quiet except for the usual amount of conversation.
Suddenly, the younger gentleman from the table of four leaped up and started talking in a quickened and loud voice at the gentleman to my left.  He was an older gentleman, and he immediately startedlooking at the younger now standing.  He was very excited and rambling on about how excited he was to see him.  I couldn’t understand everything he was saying, but you could tell he was really beside himself. They started taking photos together and the younger was giving books to the older gentleman.
I called the waitress over to give us a clue as to what was happening.  She explained in a very low voice that the older gent near mewas a very famous actor who has been in many movies, a famous star of television, stage and a highly respected politically, by the name of Guy Bedos.  She went on to tell me that the younger was saying, “I’m so honored to meet you, I have been a fan of yours forever, I love all you movies, I love all you’ve done, etc.  He had bought two books for himself which he proceeded to give to the actor as a gift.  Mr. Bedos was quietly accepting all the gracious compliments and accepted the books as a gift as well.  You can google him if you like to see the many movies and stage work he has done.  The picture I have posted of him here was taken as he left the restaurant and started to briskly walk away. You can see he is carrying the books just given to him by one of his beloved fans.
We proceeded to enjoy our quiet and leisure lunch in one of favorite little quiet places and afterward did a little shopping.
We went to the cheese store.  My husband was dying to buy the wild boar which he loves, and I a small piece of cheese.
There is a chocolatier on the corner where we stopped to get some chocolates.  
We took a taxi back to the apartment but not before stopping to get some eclair au chocolat which are also filled with chocolate!
Below you can see I treated myself to a hot, steaming cup of té vert (green tea) with a small piece of afternoon dessert.
Are you crying? Seriously, the food here is absolutely beautiful and incredible.  I find myself looking forward to each new day with it’s endless choices.

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