Sunday 19 February 2012


Sunday morning we got up to see it was snowing in Paris.  How delightful, I just love the snow so much.  I saw on the news it snowed in many places in Europe including Rome and London and hundreds of flights were cancelled due to the weather.  Here in Paris we only got about less than an inch and it disappeared soon after.
Saturday we went to Trocodero see the Musée National de la Marine.  We really enjoyed the museum.  I have posted several pictures here.  I particularly enjoyed the incredible paintings by Joseph Vernat.  He traveled in the late 18th century painting seaports.  There was so much to see here so we just strolled for several hours taking it all in.
As you can see from the picture here, people were actually walking on the frozen fountain, how crazy was that.
I made the cauliflower steak when we got back to the apartment, but I cut it in the wrong direction so it fell apart a little.  Perhaps I was supposed to start cutting further in from the edge.  But, it turned out really good especially since I had it on a boule levain, a delicious crusty, Frenchsourdough round loaf of bread.
I couldn’t wait to return to Paris for one of my favorite things which is not available in the states.  That is the Yoplait Perle de Lait Coco, the most delicious coconut yogurt.  I have included a picture here of the package. I can’t wait to get up every morning to have it for breakfast.
The audio guide at the Musée National de la Marine said that this was the last piece of the boat which belonged to Marie Antoinette.  I have included a photo below.
I failed to mention the beautiful view from way up high on Trocodero before entering the museum.  The last photo I will leave you with today will be from there and you can see the ponds and fountains are all frozen due the recent cold weather here.  It is expected to warm up again in a few days.

I would be remiss if I didn’t wish a great big Congratulations to our home New York Giants on their Superbowl win!  We started to watch at about 11:30 and got to bed at 5:00 AM this morning.  GO GIANTS!
Well I must go as we are getting together with friends today.  Have a wonderful day.

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