Sunday 19 February 2012


Even when somewhere else, the usual housework, errands and tasks must be attended to weekly.   I had to do the usual food shopping, laundry and paper work.  Boring!  Here’s a picture of some of the things I bought in the local Supermarché.
Yesterday we took the bus to the Museé L’Orangerie in the Jardin des Tuileries.  It is the most beautiful park.  The museum was beautiful and quite manageable.  If you saw the movie Midnight In Paris, you probably saw Owen Wilson standing in a large room surrounded by Claude Monet’s Les Nymphéas, Monet’s Water Lilies.  There is a link here:
Downstairs there are some incredible paintings by Monet of course, Paul Guillaume, Jean Walter, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Gauguin, Picasso, Henri Matisse, Henri Rousseau, Alfred Sisley, Maurice Utrillo and other artists.  I have included a photo here of La Maison Bernot, 1924 by Maurice Utrillo. It was just delightful to browse and enjoy each and every one.
We walked back from Place de la Concorde which is quite a hike, but it was good to get in the walk.  Along the way, we caught a model shoot near the Pont Alexandre III bridge.  She was a beautiful girl with several photographers snapping away.  I have put up some pictures here.
When we returned some friends wanted to drive around Paris do a little shopping and have something to eat. 

Paris trying to decide where we should eat when we ended up right near the Forum des Halles area and we ended up in Au Pied du Cochon.
We started with some Kir Royals and ordered a bottle of wine.   Their specialty is grilled pigs feet.  I ordered the grilled salmon and my husband ordered the steak.
The meal was wonderful, delicious actually.Everything in the restaurant has a pig theme.  The large brass door handles are a pig’s hoof.  The bar is all etched with pigs, the menu is pigs and at the end of the meal, a dish is served with pink pig meringues.  Can you believe it?  Seriously, everything was delicious.  I must admit I in no way expected the waiter, who was extremely friendly, to serve a dish of pink pig meringues!  Yes, I have included a picture of them here.
Really, in no way would you have believed me.  I can’t make this stuff up you know. But first, I have a photo of us with our friend Candy.  She is the most well-behaved dog everywhere we go in Paris.  But then, everywhere we go in Paris all the dogs are very well-behaved.  They are welcome everywhere.
So as promised here is the picture of the pink pig meringues, only in Paris honestly. Imagine taking the time to make these.
Have a nice weekend.
Au revoir

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