Monday 20 February 2012


Today being February 14th is Bon St. Valentin!  I would like to wish you all a very Happy St. Valentine's Day.

There are ads everywhere for tonight.  The cabarets like the Moulin Rouge, Belle Epoque, Pau Brasil, Carrousel de Paris, Nikita, to name a few are advertising dinner from about 80-200€ per couple.  The boats like Bateaux Mouches, Bateaux Parisiens, Yachts de Paris, VIP Paris, etc., are offering cruises, some with dinner, from about 80-300€ per couple.  And, of course, the restaurants also have some special menus offered for this evening.

I remember the very first Valentine's Day with my husband.  We had only met in the middle of January and were only dating for only about a month back in 1967.  After getting home from school the door bell rang where I was living with my parents in an apartment in Brooklyn.  My mother answered the door and came running in to me saying it was a delivery for me.  She was so excited and I couldn't imagine why.  I went to the door and there was a man standing there with the biggest red box tied with the biggest red bow that was 4 ft. all around which was the biggest box of Loft's chocolates.  Back then Loft's was a very popular chocolatier.
I never saw anything like it before, except as the display in the Loft's Chocolates store window as the big display.  I tipped the delivery man, later to find out that it was my husband's friend.  My mother, father and I enjoyed those chocolates I think until Halloween!  It remains one of my favorite memories of Valentine's Day until today and we often speak of it.
As for myself, I have everything.  I don't need a special or fancy dinner, boat cruise or night out at a soirée or anything like it.  I thank God everyday that I have my husband of 41 years and celebrate the years we have had and the many I hope to have together yet to come.  After all, I am in Paris the city of love, what more does a girl need?  I already have the love of a very good man.
This morning at about 6:45 AM I went out onto the balcony in my hat and robe.  It is a little damp, and still a little dark.  I glanced at my reflection in the door and I have a purple hat on with a long black robe.  I reminded myself of the little tale about the woman who wears purple and a red hat, which doesn't go together etc.  I don't know if you know what I mean, but it is a popular story. But, today I will wear a red sequined top with a black sweater, skirt, black tights and high black boots with a bright red beret.
My husband just got up and joined me on the balcony.  I retreated to the kitchen to get coffee and returned back to the balcony and presented him with a hot steaming cup of coffee which he appreciated,  and then he said as he kissed me, "Happy Valentine's Day." I am blessed with a good marriage and the most wonderful man in the universe, what more could I possibly need.
Today is about celebrating love.  Whatever you do if you go to the theatre, see a movie, have a special dinner, or stay at home to watch television, have a happy St. Valentine's Day.  As for myself a good old box of Russell Stover would do the trick. Enjoy, life is short.
Bon St. Valentin!

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